The very first Dark Moon Halloween Tea is only 10 days away! Register today!
A Special Invitation to ALL subscribers from the City Wytch Secret Tea Society and my Halloween playlist plus a special request from The City Wytch!

I have a secret wish. One I’ve been dreaming about for a very long time. . I have always wanted to have a magic filled , witches tea party under the Halloween moon. I long for tables set with vintage lace and lots of candlelight, old fussy silver and porcelain. Witchy teacups, pumpkins and candy corn everywhere…..
And so that is what I’ve decided to do...
I hope that you will join me and The City Wytch Secret Tea Society on Zoom, Sunday evening, October the 30th at 7:00pm.
Please register with Eventbrite at this link- and let me know if you’ll be joining us! The tea party is free and I will host up to 100 people!
Underneath the darkest Halloween moon, we'll set our tables and have a enchanted virtual tea party. You're welcome to bring anything you like. Enchanted teacups, singing pumpkins, black cats, your pet crow and of course any wandering witches.
Bring along as many friends as you’d like! Real friends, magical friends or even a wee ghosty.
Join us dressed in all of your Halloween finery, create a wonderful halloween zoom background, bring stories to share, come in costume if you’d like and and be ready to have a blast showing off your tea and edible delights.
There will be a magical door prize donated by my dear friend and fellow merrymaker Laurie Stern of Velvet and Sweet Peas Purrfumery and I”m thrilled , because she'll be around to answer questions about her amazing botanical perfumes especially my favorite...Black Cat Kittylicious! I’ve written about and worn Laurie’s perfumes for many years now. She has an understanding of scent that is unsurpassed… and she’s a true conservationist, she walks her talk with her business and her perfumes. Lately every perfume she creates gives something back. Last year she devoted herself to the Lemurs of Madagascar, and created a beautiful perfume to raise money and awareness for their plight. She’s devoted herself to raising money for dozens of animal rights organizations. Her gardens in Berkeley are truly amazing, and she uses everything she grows in the Purrfumery. A day spent with her is such a treat… her cats wander all around and the scent of orange flowers and jasmine are everywhere. Truly her Purrfumery is a magical place and I’ve been fortunate to spend many days enjoying it.
Her website is..Velvet and Sweet Peas Purrfumery…She is zany and magical..a brilliant perfumer who knows and truly understands the alchemy of essential oils, and you will love her!
I’m so looking forward “seeing” you!!
Halloween, Samhain, All Souls Night? Whatever you call it and however you celebrate it, here’s a little Wytchy play list that I hope you'll love! 🎃✨🌙
I hope you’ll give it a listen!
Seasonal Celebrations!
One of the things that I love to do, and I know that you do too, is take pictures of wonderful things. Are you ready to see your name in lights? I’m going to start a feature here called “Seasonal Celebrations” and I’d love to invite you to email me a picture you love of a seasonal display you’ve made or seen around your town. Every week I’ll feature one or two of them so be sure to give me a brief description! Here’s two of mine!

Thymeless Quotes:
“I was born on the night of Samhain, when the barrier between the worlds is whisper-thin and when magic, old magic, sings its heady and sweet song to anyone who cares to hear it.”
― Carolyn MacCullough, Once a Witch